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MACCUTCHEON JAMES A - Insider Transactions

Ticker Owner Relationship Date Transaction Cost #Shares Value ($) #Shares Total SEC Form 4
CHCIJAMES MACCUTCHEONDirectorOct 04 '24Proposed Sale11.161,80020,088Oct 04 04:20 PM
CHCIMACCUTCHEON JAMES ADirectorOct 01 '24Sale10.001,50015,000145,585Oct 02 06:54 PM
CHCIJAMES MACCUTCHEONDirectorOct 01 '24Proposed Sale9.991,50014,985Oct 01 04:36 PM
CHCIMACCUTCHEON JAMES ADirectorJun 09 '21Sale6.873002,060147,085Jun 10 04:58 PM
CHCIMACCUTCHEON JAMES ADirectorApr 06 '17Buy1.0054,60554,605113,699Apr 10 04:58 PM
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